vineri, 10 mai 2013

Some more bits of action

Remember me? I am the romanian EVS volunteer that started a blog so that YOU might see how an EVS project looks like, and maybe become a part of it sometime :). (It's pretty fun I can definitely say).
Seems I'm not doing such a great job in updating news, (which is one of my tasks for the project) but I am doing my best here.
So, here are some activities that we did lately on our project. We, as in : me Silvia and Katinka, my co-workers.

Teaching English in Primary School
For me it was the first time ever to teach english, even if it was one of my dreams as a child - being a teacher. Seems it was finnaly happening :)
 Ms. Hanna Kulczyk, their english teacher introduced us to 5 classes, from 6 to 11 years old kids.